Brigit Viksnins specializes in aligning bodies with blueprints of health and releasing held traumatic imprints. Brigit created the professional training program Alchemical Alignment, which uses interactive, awareness-oriented bodywork, metaphysical and Aikido principles, and verbal trauma resolution skills.  She attended Georgetown University for both undergraduate and graduate school.

Since 1996, Brigit has had a successful private bodywork practice.  Her work helps decompress, organize and heal the various deep levels upon which the physical body is based. Her latest projects include developing in-person and online Quiet Empowerment classes for everyone, as well as a six-level professional training program for some of the deepest patterns in the core of the body — with a colleague, Kate White — called Pre and Perinatal Dynamics for Private Practice.

When did you realize you wanted to become a healer?

Her grandfather was a healer and lived in Soviet – occupied Latvia. People would come to him for help and bring with them eggs and chickens from the farm as a gift. Brigit says she spent her childhood listening to these stories related to her grandfather. There was this moment in her life when she almost had a revelation that she should follow her grandfather’s footsteps and become a healer as well.

Brigit first went to a massage school and studied about details of pathology. She then learned about biodynamic craniosacral therapy.

What is craniosacral therapy?

There are two main schools of craniosacral therapy. Brigit studied and practices biodynamics craniosacral therapy. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is about a person’s health. Our body is intelligent and has an inherent blueprint. Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy is a hands-on treatment for the whole body, especially the nervous system. Brigit says that when a person experiences a shock or a trauma, your body starts making compensations for it. People with hands-on skills can feel where energetic blocks are within your body.

Can you talk a little about our body’s security system?

Brigit believes our bodies are sentient, conscious and intelligent on all levels. Our bodies are designed in such a way that you can interact with them, as well as interactively work with other person’s body to see what is going inside their body. Whenever we experience some sort of injury or a shock, our body withholds the effects of it.

Can you share your experience of your scar work?

Brigit has done a lot of scar work. Brigit invites clients to share details and memories of the event or accident that resulted in the scar. Sometimes it feels like if the scar is holding all the memory and by a gentle touch, you may enable the patient to relive the whole moment again.

What are your best practices for maintaining your own energy?

In her earlier days when Brigit started her practice, she started experiencing a tingle up her arm and felt like she had activated her inner energy. She was working with an intense client who was in a lot of pain. The buzzing went up her shoulders, and one night it hit her in the heart and it was painful. She really had to learn many things so how she could work with people and not suck things out of other people and take on their experiences.

What does living your purpose mean to you?

Living her purpose means being in alignment with what she does and following what she loves to do. She talks about self-care, her continuous growth as an individual and living a healthy lifestyle for which she practices Akido every morning. Brigit says if she can maintain that kind of lifestyle for herself, for her students, clients and her children, then she is living her life to its purpose.

What is the best advice you have been given?

Brigit firmly believes in the following quote by Gandhi

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” She believes the real change starts from within ourselves.

How can we connect with you?

You can know more about her work through her website. Her website’s URL is

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